Student to Proffesional.. Nearly?

Now that the 201mc Proffesional Experience module is coming to a close..I thought it would be a good idea to reflect back on the whole module and the process.

Overall I think that it has been a good module because of how much I have learnt from it however I dont feel it was taught very well and was very unorganised. I felt that it was very all over the place and a lot of the time we were left to get on with things. Which dont get me wrong is great but I was suprised that our progress wasnt checked up on by tutors or module leaders.

It started off very well, with presentations on what projects we could do etc and how we could get involved but from talking to my fellow peers, not many of us knew what was suppose to be going on. Again I do understand that it was a much more self directed module because of us trying to become more proffesional and to find our feet in the media world, however towards the end of the module things were very unclear to how we suppose to conclude our placements/projects etc. Although hand in was clear in terms of what needed to be handed in, the module as a whole could of been a lot more improved.

Teamwork :

BBC SPORT : I worked within a variety of teams for this project. Although I was editor for this project and a lot of it was indivdiual work as editing as. However I made sure to keep my team updated with my progress and to ask for advice or assistance if needed. I was never afraid to ask for help..

Things I could have improved on  : Perhaps asking more questions and asking for ways to improve on my editing skills and asking for more assistance.

BOOGEYMAN PRODUCTION : For this project my role as First AD requires me to organise the crew and keep everyone up to date with developments at every stage. So teamwork is essential in order to keep things running smoothly. So far we have done a few test shoots and I have been very organised in keeping the days tight in schedule and everyone working hard.

What I could improve on for the existing part of production is keeping on top of paper work and making sure the production folder is in order and that everything is in place for each shooting day to go well. Also to perhaps focus more on my job role and be extra cauious to not over step my role as I feel I may be taking more of a producer role. Although I dont mind doing more then my share it may take away my responsbility from being AD.

I guess it can be said for all of the project I have been apart of in this proffesiona experience module, I think its time I just pushed myself and kept challenge myself to do things I would not normally consider doing. I would like to figure out what I would like to do when I graduate and work out a career path so from this module, I have learnt to try and do any and every oppurtnity I can. I have learnt I am more then capable to succeed and I have the technical skills along with media skills such as organisation, people skills. All that and so much more is what I need to get somewhere in the media 🙂

This module has shown me what I am capable of doing and the areas in my skills that I lack but with more experience it will help me to strength them skills.


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