Category Archives: Creative Activism

What Happens Once A Viral Video Hits The World….

Yes, You probably know already what I am about to begin talking about. I first apologize as since it has gone viral the media have gobbled it up and spat it back out at every one who will listen. However as a future media producer I have to voice my opinion on this situation, The consequences of this video since going viral needs highlighting.

For anyone who doesn’t know about the “KONY 2012” Video, Where have you been for the past week! 

Jason Williams has made this video to highlight the situation that is going on in Uganda. This man “Joseph Kony” uses children as his soldiers by kidnapping them in their sleep and making them kill people even their own family. The video is making awareness of this and is hoping that if enough people can help build awareness together we will make a difference and help in capturing Kony and putting a stop to this.

I Start with some newspaper articles :

Firstly from the Guardian.

“Jason’s message was released last Monday. By Thursday it had amassed 26 million views. When I last looked at it on Saturday it was up to 63 million views (with 1,212,109 “likes” and only 59,702 “dislikes”). So, in the jargon of the day, it’s “gone viral”. In that sense, it represents the most successful manipulation of our new media ecosystem to date because “virality” is what every huckster, politician and advertiser now craves – but very few achieve.”

“Viral dissemination received a really powerful boost with the launch of YouTube in 2005. Thereafter, people were able to post striking, amusing or daft videos online and the service made it easy to “share” anything that viewers liked. This is what led to the LOLcat explosion and the astonishing viewing totals for charming videos like Charlie Bit My Finger,which has been watched more than 12 million times since it first appeared in 2007.

There has been so much media coverage about this Viral Video, but then I guess that was the point. I remember seeing it on my facebook newsfeed and I didnt think anything of it if I’m honest. It wasn’t until more and more people re-posted it and so the hype began. It was scary how fast it suddenly went viral, within the couple of hours everyone on my Facebook was watching it and posting things up about it. However now after the hype has gone down and the video is now longer on my newsfeed… where has everyone gone?

“There comes a point when the shouting that “something must be done” can no longer be ignored. We saw this in Kosovo and Libya and we are now hearing it about Syria. If the Kony video does lead to increased US pressure on the Ugandan regime to catch the LRA leader then we’ll know that the era of network power has finally arrived. But I wouldn’t bet on it”

Its both incredible and scary the impact a single video can have. We live in a world that is so incredibly mediated that sometimes it can cause it to have more harm then good. I think its great that we can use technology for good and to highlight issues and campaigns from one side of the world to the other but it comes at a price.

“The Kony 2012 film about the Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony and his child abductions has become a Facebook phenomenon, viewed nearly 76m times, and prompting reactions from the British, American and Ugandan governments. But it has also triggered fierce debate online. While advocates say it has brought attention to the plight of child soldiers in Africa, many Ugandans have questioned the tactic claiming that the portrayal of their country is out of date.”

I think KONY 2012 will possibly go down in history as the fastest viral video so far and the impact it has created has gone worldwide. With a lot of people having something to say about this video. From blogs, to Facebook, discussions with friends, Video responses.

I don’t think  we have heard the end just yet….

AudioCheque – Challenge 7 FLASHMOB

A flashmob… highlighting the obsession we have in today’s society with being famous.

So.. what is a flashmob?

A web definition : A flash mob is an activity which consists of a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place performs an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression.

Whether you agree with this statement or not it pretty much sums up the context of a flashmob.

When we were told about creating  a flashmob.. there had already been quite a few discussions about doing something with the world’s obsession with “Celebrity Culture”

A few ideas were discussed these include :

– Running around town .. A group in front of the other.. running through the town center, Trying to create an impact.

– Planking in town?

– Sleeping in town? In random places… just stopping everything and sleeping.

– Dancing?

We had many more but were kinda on similar lines. In the end we all decided to go with creating a fake celebrity because of the world we live in constantly being inspired and obsessed more and more with reality TV shows such as big brother, the only way is Essex, Made in Chelsea. It was perfect.

Take a look at this… and see how they did it.

Starsuckers! by Chris Atkins

So taking from this as our inspiration for our flashmob.. we got to it and began making our own “Music Band”.

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While we were creating the flash mob, people in the town center started to engage by coming up to us and asking who they were and trying to see what the fuss was about. I guess that it is a natural response when you see a large group  of people in one place.

Also the fact we had set it up with paparazzi and security guards made it look a lot more realistic I think. Although the security guards looked young and the band were not famous as such, the public was still engaging and interested. All because they thought they had the chance to see someone who was famous.

For our flash mob we created it in the hope of making it go viral along with many of our Creative Activism work.

We posted it in our Year two group on Facebook for the rest of our year to see. We also had it on you tube under a creative commons licence. We hoped by using the social media network to distribute our video, it would have a higher chance of going viral. Youtube is well known for its content so by placing it in this community, it hopefully would be seen by millions of youtubers!

Carrying on more with Chris Atkins work…

Check this video out :

Christ Atkins created a video about fox hunting in an attempt to get it in the press, to prove that the press will print anything. They do not care about printing the truth but about making money.

The reason why I am mentioning Chris’s work is because he created an impact by using the media against itself if you like. He manipulated it into printing the story, with no evidence that it was real but it was still featured in the BBC News.

Your probably thinking how does a flash mob going viral make any connection with this?

Well Chris Atkin’s work both “Starsuckers” and “Urban Fox hunting” shows that by using social media to showcase your work really can get it noticed. His urban foxhunt video was uploaded to an anonymous blog yet ended up on the BBC! …

I think we should be questioning how powerful our influence on the internet can have… Or how stupid is the media, and can we really trust what we see and hear in the media.


Week Two – Additonal Task

For this additional task, I decided to focus on looking at some of the other provoking images produced by my fellow media students. I have looked through all the images and picked the first ones that stood out to me.

The first campaign and set of images are taken by Sophie Ely.

Sophie’s campaign shows images of young children mainly girls, dressing in clothing that is targeted at a much older age group. I spoke to her about her campaign and asked her what her inspiration was and what made her create these images. Heres what she had to say :

“It just angers me when i see kids as young as two being dressed like teenagers”.

From looking at the images, although they are strongly edited you can see the youthfulness in the child yet the clothing takes away that innocence. I think the images do a good job at highlighting the issue we have in this society of too many young girls wanting to grow up too quickly. I would have personally liked the images to have not been so well-edited as I think having an actual photograph, would have had a much provoking impact. As with a photograph people can relate to it on a much more personal level, aka you could be looking at someones daughter, niece, grand-daughter etc which would create more attention.

This next image is taken from Andrew Veremu

I really liked this image because I thought it took something simple but made it effective in an easy way. Just by re-wording the slogan on the receipt “Stealing your money every day” which plays on the words of “Saving you money every day”. It’s a simple thing to do yet I think has a very powerful message. It shows frustration into supermarkets are taking our money with the help of the government, in putting up food and drink prices, that only benefits the supermarket’s pockets not the consumers.

Only slight cristims I have with the image is that I feel it could have been edited slightly better, The words could have been blended in with the same font style and colour. Other than that I think the image works well as a provoking image also, it has a strong clear message.

It would interesting to possibly see other images revolving around other supermarket chains and to play on their slogans.

My next and final set of images are taken from Emma Fielder:

Now my friend Emma!, I have always admired her photographs because she uses toys and has focused on toy photography in particular for these images. You can see from the images that she has chosen animal cruelty as her campaign. I think it comes across very well in this unique and unusual approach to fighting against animal cruelty.

They are unique and unusual because normally in an advertising campaign for issues such as animal cruelty you would see photographs of injured or hurt animals and it would try to play at the emotional side of the person viewing the photograph etc. However Emma’s images do the same thing except in a more creative way. Okay from first glance you don’t think “I want to help these animals” but its done in such a unique way that it leaves you intrigued and leaves a lasting image in your mind.

Challenge 6- Creating an Impact


Here are a selection of images I produced as part of my creating an impact campaign.

I chose to focus on Facebook, as my campaign because it is so addictive in people’s lives and it has taken over since it was created.

I speak from experience myself because I practically live on Facebook! Sadly its one of the first things I do when I wake up… check my Facebook. I spend a lot of my time on it and even when I’m not really on it, I am logged on in the background.

So my images and my campaign is to get people into thinking how much of our lives is on facebook.

Watch this if you can.. its bit long but I find it very truthful about facebook..

Okay enough of the facebook videos! but I find each one of them really interesting. Its good starting point to find out what people are saying and their views on facebook.

I feel a bit of a hypercriote as I have just mentioned I live on Facebook but this is why I feel passionate about my campaign and feel that I can get my voice heard.

I have uploaded these images into the Creative Activism Flickr and my flickr account.

Challenge 6- Creating Impact – Viral Media Spoof

This was a university spoof video that we produced during our workshop for this week’s task.

Our inspirational came from our very own university promotional videos.

Take a look at some of these :

Media Production Anyone?

To break down our idea, I tried to focus on the language used in these promotional videos. We wanted to make our video a spoof of a university promo. To make it work we needed to work out what conventions made these “professional” videos work and how we could apply to our video.

Looking back at the video and the process, I think it has strong potential and I am happy with the video so far however it could have been experimented with and perhaps could of produced sub videos coming off media production.

I felt inspired after making ours.. So I began looking into existing  videos that uses this idea of “spoofing” to create impact.

So check these out for more inspiration.

This is among my favourite and simply to create, it doesn’t exactly create an impact as such it more makes a joke on apple.

We chose to distribute it via the Internet as websites such as you tube are so well known for their content. Also as majority of the content we see these days is through social media it was the perfect platform to use. – An interesting video to why videos go Viral.

Its funny how within the first minute he already talks again about being famous..

He makes some very interesting points and if you haven’t already checked this video out… do!

Notes :

So Rebecca Black is mentioned ? If you havent heard about her then where have you been. Basically this music video made and introduced by Rebecca Black went Viral because people shared it and then people started to remix and create something new from it. This uses the same content but gives a fresh and new outlook, then creating new content.

This is the orginal video :

And this is what has come off it…

These are just a few I have found from simply looking on youtube… its crazy. From one simple reaction it went viral. Everybody everywhere was talking about Rebecca Black.. she has become an overnight VIRAL sensation. (And not in a good way either. .)

So far this video along with other creative activism work.. which can be found on my blog and the Creative Activism Website,

has created a lot of interest especially within our university community, as it is very relevant to our lives as we are all students at university. So our input into creating a future promotional video will educate future students into what they may expect to get from their degree.

I would like to create videos like this in the future and carry on this creative activism work. Possible idea for the future..

More university style videos except aimed at specific courses.. to highlight what the truth is about university and what you will actually be getting for you money. Since the course feeds have gone sky high.. I think their will be a market for this work and will have a stronger impact because it is contemporary work.

Week 5 – Additional Task

What A Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong.

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They’re really saying I love you.
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more than I’ll ever know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.

1. “What a Wonderful World” is a song written by Bob Thiele  and George David Weiss.  It was first recorded by Louis Armstrong and released as a single in 1968.

The song has a optimistic tone and I believe is a positive song as it talks about what a wonderful world we all live in, being grateful for baby’s crying – new life, Blue skies – New Day. I think it was made to give people hope and a vision for the future.

Quote taken from Wikipedia …”Intended as an antidote for the increasingly racially and politically charged climate of everyday life in the United States, the song also has a hopeful, optimistic tone with regard to the future, with reference to babies being born into the world and having much to look forward to.”


Comments I found from people listerning to the song :

“This is possibly one of the best songs of all time. Louis wrote this somewhere way back during the early jazz years and its pretty amazing how the song and he survive all this time. The lyrics mean as much now as they did back then and that can only mean that the song will never change or get old as time goes by. It’s one of those songs you can hear even when u’re down and just realize that aside from whatever you’re going through there still is that other part of life that we can come back to and know is there.”

“It still is a beautiful, hope inspiring song, however – maybe it is just trying to show that there are still beautiful things in the world, aside from the devastation, and all you have to do is live day by day and search for the little things that make you happy.”

I’ve heard a version of this where Louis says

“Some of you young folks been saying to me, what do you mean wonderful world? how about all them wars all over the place? you call them wonderful? and how about hunger and pollution? they ain’t so wonderful either.”

louis then says 

“Seems to me it ain’t the world thats so bad but what were doin’ to it. And all i’m saying is see what a wonderful world it would be if only we’d give it a chance. love baby, love, thats the secret, if lots more of us loved each other we’d solve lots more problems.”

“This song is amazing and Louis Armstrong is amazing because this song was written at the time where racism towards “colored” was all around. However, he was able to look past all that and appreciate all the simple goodness in the world. “

All of these comments have such strong messages all giving an insight into what they think the song represents. I think that considering it was around the late 60’s it could very well be a positive outcry against the segregation that could of be going on around that time in America.

3.  I think the lyrics of this song speaks very clearly and it has a very happy tone and makes you appreciate the world for what it is.

The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night 
And I think to myself what a wonderful world. 

I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do 
They’re really saying I love you.

These lyrics speak of love not hate. Friendship not enemies.

This song has always been a happy song, With the beat and the character of the singer making the song what it is.

4. I think song has definitively continued to have a positive message  throughout history. It is a classic and is incredibly well known song that has appeared in a number of various film/advertisments.

According to IMDB : Films include – The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Twelve Monkeys, Pearl Harbor,

Tv Programs : Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, House.

I am not 100% sure if it had an impact on anything specifically however I do believe and would like to believe that like it filled people with hope for the future. Our future and the world.

Creative Activism Documentary Idea – Empathy Task Challenge Five

One time when I was on a shift at work, I had one customer come in and the first thing he did was point to his ear to indicate that he was deaf. Then he passed me a note with the items he wanted to purchase. I’ve never forgotten it (although it didn’t happen very long ago) I still always remember him, I often think how sad it must be to not be able to communicate “normally” or feel connected to the world around you.

This inspired me and made me want to explore the idea of being deaf for a day or a specific length of time. I felt by focusing my documentary on this subject, I could focus on being in someone else’s shoes.

I began researching into this experiment, I figured it would have been done plenty of times before as it is not “original” so here is what I found :

Several people have tried this before and had different experiences which is interesting to compare and contrast.

These links I found, talk about people who have volunteered to be deaf for day etc.

“ONE in seven people in the UK has some form of hearing problem.

Most are older people who are losing their hearing gradually due to the ageing process but others may have a genetic condition, have suffered an injury or damaged their hearing by exposure to loud noise.”

Read More


So with ear plugs, cotton wool and my ear defenders I began my experience being deaf. I have to admit that even with all these things in place, I couldn’t take away all sound levels or noise all together so I could still hear but it was very muffled and still led me to have complications throughout the day.

I began around 8am this morning. I found many things difficult at first and was surprised how much having bad hearing or no hearing affected me (sounds really bad doesn’t it). Here are the notes I made on the bus, I decided to try to document it throughout just by writing down how I was feeling and the experience so far as I went through the day.

– Find your other senses, more aware of your surroundings.

– I felt it self-conscious at first, I could hear but it was muffled and although I could work out what the sounds were and what they were coming from by matching up the visuals. I still felt very disconnected from the world, as if I was wrapped in a bubble and I never quite could link the pieces together.

– Noises seemed unfamiliar, It wasn’t until I made the link with my eyes that I could work out what the noise was.

– I could hear slightly but I didn’t feel I connected very well, my brain took longer than normal to process things. I felt bit like something wasnt right, maybe it was the fact that one of my senses was not working properly so the brain reacts to this.

– I often was matching sounds to visuals for example, hearing heels on the floor my eyes would try to match the sound. I would be looking around to find out where the sound was coming from. I am not sure if this a normal reaction but I felt my brain was bit confused, as it was taking longer to connect and make the link.

– I felt very unnerved  at first when I was waiting at the bus stop and being in public, I noticed my body language changed to being a lot more defensive and made me feel safer. Which was surprising to notice. I was a lot more observant to the people around me and I was more aware of people’s actions.

I have documented a few video diary’s which pretty much states all of this, but hopefully in a more personal approach. I will have an edited documentary hopefully at the end of this week also!.

After exploring in to the world of “deafness”, I am really intrigued into what other work has been done such as this documentary : see link above. I have learnt a lot from being deaf, It has definitively made more appreciative of my hearing.

I would like to explore into issues that effect people’s lives and how they overcome them. This could cover such a wide topic but I definitively have an interest in seeing other people live.

The deaf leading the blind :

One of my other friends Sophie Ely: Decided to go blind for a few hours and we both decided it would be a interesting idea to try to help each other out. So you could say it was literally the deaf leading the blind. It was definitively an intriguing and challenging experience , although she had hearing but no vision, I had vision but no hearing. I am going to have a chat with her later and compare our difficulties and challenges.

In developments…. 19.3.12

From my “Deaf for a day” idea which originally was just going to me documentating myself in my daily routine and learning from the experience of how much your hearing affects your life etc. However after further research into this project, I found someone who lost their hearing aged 25 and now lives her life in a completely different way, after talking to her about her life it inspired me to take this documentary further.

I decided to come back to this task and develop it. Although it is a few days before hand in, I decided it was worth it.

I think that having a much more personal approach to this issue will make people think and see it a much more realistic light. What I mean by that is, hearing from someone who has this problem or issue always hits harder because you can begin to relate and connect with that person.

This issue has really inspired me and I guess from experiencing it myself during this process, I can now relate a lot more to deaf people. I feel more aware and open to people who have to live their life differently because of whats happend to them.

Here is my finshed Documentary.

Watching it back, there are a few slight problems I need to adjust. E.g The sound levels, The fast cuts of sound.. need to fade it out. Just a general tweak really but I wanted to put it here just incase so there is atleast a copy!

Quick Evaluation

I think my documentary is different to other creative activism ones because I have the input of a person affected by my issue in the documentary. Many other people just used themselves, I am not saying this was bad in anyway! However I wanted to have that input in mine because I wanted to show another side/ a more personal inside into my issue of deafness.

I think overall the documentary works and has infact inspired me to look into making full length version. Looking into this issue of deafness in more depth, showing a variety of people’s stories.

I have to admit the technical quality could have been improved and If I were to make a full length documentary using this idea, I would plan it and structure the shots much better. I would decide on cutaway shots (as their are none in this one, due to time really). However I am happy with the version and hope to get it out there and show people!

Here is the re-exported one 🙂


Week 4 – Additonal Task

Following on from my “Going Deaf For A Day”. I was inspired to do another style of documentary based on the same idea of deafness but explore it in a slightly different way.

Here is my proposal. I hope to make this documentary one day!

Title : When The World Stopped Talking.

Short Overview: Imagine losing your hearing at the age of 25, Everything you once heard gone, lost. Leaving you in a world you know longer feel apart of.

Follow Lynda’s Story as she talks about her life after she lost her hearing.

The Big Idea : The documentary will show how something can happened to any of us in the blink of an eye and sometimes you have to start again. I will be following the life of Lynda who lost her hearing half way through her life and she had to then start all over again. Learning to talk without hearing, watching television, engaging in conversation, simple things that we all take for granted. I think what makes this documentary different is the situation she is in, You hear about people who were born deaf or possibly loose their hearing but to just one day hear and the next its gone. I think makes a very powerful story and something that will create an impact with viewers. My main goal for this is to get people to appreciate what they have in their lives and to value the people who have been through so much and how they live there lives now.

A Synopsis : Main elements of this documentary will be made up of interviews, talking to my subject and getting an inside into her personal life. How she has dealt with things (if she has), How it has changed her life and how it had changed her as a person. What things has she had to re-craft and what the most challenge thing has been.

The Audience: I would like as many people as possible to see this but I don’t think that will be a valiant enough reason. So I would say probably people of the younger generation possibly 14 /15 or even younger … 12/13. I choose this age group because I think if we can educate them earlier then they will learn to have respect for people who are different and it will help shape their outlook in the future.

The Conflict : I guess one of them main issues for me is it could be argued that this issue has been highlighted many times before and could come across as not fresh enough. I am not sure at the moment as to how I could include conflicted view into my project .. I shall work on it.

Structure : How I visualize the filming is split into two many sections.

First Section : Interviews, Voxpops, Voiceovers

Second Section : Practical shots of her living her life and doing her daily routine but the difference because of not having hearing.

I really want to focus on the visuals and showing how different yet similar her life is to everybody else’s. Just because she has a hearing imparement does not make her any different.

Resolution: Overall I would like people watching the documentary to be left having a change of perspective about people who are different and to have more respect for people who’s life’s are more challenging because of their condition.

Elements and Characters : For this specific project I would like to focus just on Lynda and her story as I think it works well as a piece on its own. However I could possibly look into other people who share similar experiences and  to convey their personal lives but sharing similar problems.

Length: I would like to make it 30 mins to 60 mins max. I suppose it depends on how the footage goes and if the story flows. Id hate for it to loose interest. Once I storyboard and plan it in more depth .. I can begin to work on a time.

Remixing – Challenge Four

Cassetteboy VS…Television?

I came across Cassetteboy from the Creative Activism Website, Once I began researching into it I found the youtube channel. Which lead to further research into some of his most recent work.

I love the effect the videos have, the way the words have been mantiuplated completely changes the impact it has.

I would like to do something like this in the future whereas currently I do not have the time to produce something that is so well time consuming.

Seeing work like this being made, creates a big impact on the viewers perspective. This is the point of such extremes way of remixing. Using Cassetteboy as example… His work has created impact.

Taken from

This is what the article had to say about them.

In a world flooded by online videos, mashups, recut political speeches and have-a-go comedians, it takes something special to stand out.

Whatever that something is, the electronic musical-comedy collagists known as Cassetteboy have lots and lots of it.

In Cassetteboy’s own words they “are a double act who edit footage they’ve nicked off the telly to make celebrities swear”.

Mike Bolton and Steve Warlin allowed their project to first emerge in 2000, only revealing their identities years later. At first they worked only with audio, producing music for various collections and two albums of their own. More recently they have moved to working mostly with video for a series of extremely popular clips including their chopped-up (and much more entertaining) take on The Apprentice, which has received more than three million views.

But while their work has most often been grounded in humour, there has always been a political aspect.

Here is a question taken from an interview with the two who make up Cassetteboy. I picked this question out of all of them because it takes about how they make the videos etc..

How much work does it usually take to make one of your videos? And how often do you start one and discard it halfway through?

We’ve got pretty good at spotting what will be suitable material, so it’s quite rare for us to start a piece and not finish it. It does happen occasionally though, and sometimes the pieces end up being much shorter than we’d planned.

The time it takes can vary enormously depending on the source material. A political speech is probably the easiest thing to cut up, as it is just one person speaking, well recorded, and often we can find a transcript, which helps enormously. So we can turn that around in a few days.

Our Alan Sugar video, for which we watched almost fifty episodes of The Apprentice, took a couple of months. Most of that time is spent collecting words and phrases that might be useful, and organising them so we can find the word “bollocks” when we need it.

As with most things, the more time you put in, the better the end results. I think we’re probably more patient than most people who do similar work.

So thats enough talking… lets look at some of their early audio works for inspiration.

This lead me into thinking.. how could I do some remixing myself.

I had an idea to overlay my voice onto an advert so I would be changing the words being said.

I wanted to go with either a perfume advert or a make up advert. Some kind of beauty advertisement because they are the ones that are most manulating because they are adverising you something to make you look better, when chances are it doesnt work.

and here is mine :