Monthly Archives: November 2011

Audio Essay 260MC



Here is my audio essay on Soundcloud.

My bibliography and essay both via word links.

I chose to do question a : To what extent do debates around free culture disrupt the political, social and cultural economy of the traditonal media.

I feel after several weeks of researching that I learnt a lot more about copyright laws and free cultural, then I definetly knew before. I think overall on this part of the 260mc module, I have learnt more of the theory side of placing context in media production. This is definetly something that I feel is good idea to learn about and such knowledge of media theory is needed to make sure we are placing our products out their into the right context. As upcoming media proffesional we need this knowledge in order to get noticed and begin building our profile.

Professional Experience – Hand in – 28th November 2011

I have uploaded print screens of my Swot Anaylis, Media CV and Proffesional Experience Proposal.




Swot Anaylis

How Broadcast has existed this long…

What do you think of when you think of the word “Broadcast”, what media mediums come to mind?

Straight away, I think of Television and Radio. Probably because these are the two most successful formats.

Where did they both begin?

The early stages of radio go all the way back to america around 1906.

“The first claimed audio transmission that could be termed to be from a broadcast station occurred on Christmas Eve in 1906, and was made by Reginald Fessenden.
Charles Herrold started broadcasting from a station in California in 1909 and was carrying audio by 1910.” – Taken from

 A brief history into where radio began…

Wireless broadcasting known now as radio, was introduced as a national service in1922. 14 years before television.

Much of the know-how of broadcasting was already in place even before the first world war broke out. Years after the war resulted in a huge popular interest and demand for “amateur radio”.  It started in Britain through the BBC . The first BBC daily transomission from Marconi House was a news broadcast about the General Election that following day. It was broadcasted twice, once slowly and another at normal speed on 14th November 1922 by Arthur Burrows. In many ways it would not of been a news broadcast that we would recognsie today since the bbc had no news staff or the material and technology that we have now.

One very important key date is the birth of Radio Times on the 28th of September 1923. This very quickly became an important source of information in which allowed listerners to hear about programmes.

I think its very important to look back over the history of broadcast if you do not know it already. This is why I chose to get the history books out the library and really go back to basics. I find it fasinating to read about where radio began and the fact it began in early 1900 if not a little bit before and it is still going today, that say a lot about the future of radio.

From studying radio and having a little bit of radio experience myself, I think the future of radio is a little bit uncertain I guess in many ways. I cant predict what is going to happend nor am I going to sit here and tell you. However I am basing my theory on what I have learnt from studying radio so far.

I am part of a radio station in coventry called Radio Plus.

I present a show on friday evenings with a team of three other girls. It is a community radio station that is still in its early stages. I have learnt so much from having this hands on radio experience. It has given me technical skills that I can continue to build on and presentation skills that I didnt have previously. I think radio definetly had a future, I think that many radio stations now such as Merica, Capital that are very musical based. Then you have radio stations such as BBC Coventry and Warwickshire that has more speech based shows instead of single focus on the music playlists which I think is what radio is all about.

It is radio’s job to capture the audience without the fallback of moving image, which can be very challenging. Which I have learnt from previous experience on my show and also creating “Unsigned Coventry”.  I think that radio has a future for sure, the fact that Radioplus is still broadcasting after a year is a very evident point. Although Radioplus has a way to go, the potential is there. With many shows running on every night in the week.

Giving Coventry More

Tune in and get in touch with our presenters via Facebook, Twitter or E-mail! Check out the latest shows:

    <!– sunday to wednesday

  •  Paul France with Sunday Lunch,  Sundays from 1pm
  •  Preacher G with JOsh Graham, Sundays from 4pm
  •  Andy G  with Island Sounds,  Sundays from 6pm
  •  Colin Hanslip‘s Chill Factor, Sundays from 9pm
  •  Adair Richards, live, Mondays from 5pm
  • Andy G  with Island Sounds,  Mondays from 8pm
  • Lisa Incorvia  with The Awakening,  Tuesdays from 9pm
  • Mark Sephton  with Talk Business ,  Wednesdays from 5pm
  • Rob Halligan,  Wednesdays from 7pm
  • Keith Foster,  Thursdays from 4pm
  • Kervin Julian  with In Your Shoes,  Thursdays from 7pm
  • Ally Prentice  with Girls Night In,  Fridays from 7pm
  • Colin Hanslip’s  Chill Factor,  Fridays from 9pm
  • Keith Parr  with Keith’s Mularky,  Saturdays from 11am
  • Mike Emery  with Saturday Sport,  Saturdays from 3pm

We must keep fighting for radio! We shouldnt let the empowerment that moving image has on our audiences. Although with the advances in technology these days, As media producers we all have the potential to create pieces of amazing art work. Films, Television, but we need to remember that radio has been going longer then television and was one of broadcastings first creations!!

I almost forgot… Look at internet radio. We have our very own student radio station at coventry university

With Universities all over the world, having access to radio stations (if they are lucky enough to have it at their university). This is creating a new exciting way to keep radio fresh.  As everything is beginning to be online these days… and you can listern to all of your favourite radio stations from the comfort of your own computer.

Radio gives us the chance to use our imaginations and help to get our audiences to see something from just words. Thats the challenge.

Could this be the future or our radio?

What is in store for formats’s future?

How many evenings do you spend watching formats on your television.

Format : A programme with a formula or recipe that is easily repeatable, so it can sold around the world.

Bet you recongise these?

Quiz shows?

Any of these look familiar?

Chances are you watch format productions more then you realise. So what makes them so successful? and what is instore for the future?

I think formats are success because they play in what the audience enjoys and wants to see. For example Celebrity Juice is a quiz show but stars celebrities and various games through the show. This makes it exciting and different, building on a very simple quiz show but injecting something that makes the audience want to watch it.

Pointless uses audience interaction, they ask 100 people from the public a question and its the constenstants job to pick the answer that has the lowest number. 

Pointless actually took over the slot, from the weakest link. In some ways you could say that pointless has taken an classic style of format and made it new by using a well known person to host aka Alexander Armstrong. What I mean by classic style is asking questions and find out how many of the public guessed. Similar to family fortunes, they both represent it in different styles although they are the same game in theory.

So the future of formats? Well its hard to say but as many formats just like celebritiy juice, family fortunes and pointless who rely on audiences to make the show, in terms of content. The audience help to shape the quiz rounds and questions. I think audience interaction is a very strong element that needs embracing into formats more.

For example our format show for this module, tried to incorpotate this idea by using social media such as facebook,twitter, to get the audience to send in the questions. Which makes the quiz.

From watching format shows especially celebrity juice, the graphics and set design definetly add to the show. I think as I mentioned before with the advances in technology there is room for experiment with filming techniques, camera angles and graphics. The format itself  is very popular with audiences, it has to be or else their wouldnt be so many on our television’s today. I am not sure on the future of formats, I think as long as people keep coming with new and exciting ways to create television then formats will live on.


Undiscovered Coventry Project

So we have been asked to make a 5-7 minute radio piece. My understanding of this project is that it is a segment of a radio show that we have produced. As regular radio presenters usually have a slot show of between an hour and three. As we have 6 minutes max, it is quite a challenge.

Our idea is based on musical talent within coventry. We did venture into the idea of “acts” giving a broader scale for the style of the show, this could then include acts from music to werid and wonderful, vocal etc. However we decided to go for a musical concept for the show, this way we had a format structure to follow.

In our group meetings we discussed roles for the production of the show :

Scott Cowley is Producer, He already has quite a  lot of experience of radio broadcast and is one of the head producer at source. Coventry University’s Student Radio Station.

Myself and Sophie Ely are the Prestener. We have both had experience with working on the radio and presenting shows.

Seb Shaw is the editor, although we are all more then happy to help with the editing also.

We have already got an artist lied up.. that Seb knew from previous media projects, we are meeting him at some point next week, to get to know more about him and discuss the show details and concept etc. I am also in contact with a few artists I know in coventry. I am just waiting on replies. Although we have already discussed in our group meetings that we will not be able to have more then one artists realisticly in the show, due to timings. Although I have a few ideas that we can use for content within the show such as jingles, titles etc, which I can use the artists music to promote it. As this 5-7 minute piece is only to demonstrate the show idea if you like, therefore it needs to present the structure to make the show.

So our concept for our radio format, is that of a discussion/talk show based around the idea of unsigned musical acts in coventry.

We class this as undiscovered because their is a whole music scene out in coventry and not enough people know about it, Myself for one didnt even know about half of what we have researched into and I have lived here for 19 years.


My research began at BBC INTRODUCING….

“BBC Coventry & Warwickshire Introducing is a weekly show dedicated to playing the music of our local artists.

Introducing showcases the best talent and is part of a national network of BBC programmes that tap into new music.

You can hear tunes from our Band of the Month plus live sessions, interviews and the latest gig news.”

What makes our show different, I can hear you ask. Its aimed at students made by students. Its not all just about going out and drinking, our show highlights the great places to check out in coventry city for music.

Ive been listerning to BBC COVENTRY AND WARWICKSHIRE INTRODUCING… as research. – Found on iplayer here.

I found listerning to it quite dull at times, the interview was good but the presenters didnt seem to have much energy or euthasim while talking to the artists. The artists had a lot to say though and worked well because it kept the listerners interested but I felt they were lacking in presentation skills.

Im comparision to this show and our show, I feel that our show focuses much more on a local area aka coventry. Where as the BBC covers the whole of Coventry and Warwickshire. Im not sure atm what our selling point will be and what makes our show not just another version or copy of BBC Introducing. We are working on this still during our group meetings. This is one of my concerns at the moment though, what is it about our show thats different?…..

Unsigned Coventry. 21st November 

Developments of our radio show are not going as successfully as Id hoped by now. This week we have a plan in place, how well adapted it will be to the changes with the production within in the week is anyone’s guess. I hoped that myself and my group would be more productive towards this radio project but I just personally feel, I dont know what Im doing for this radio brief.

Today, I Hope to begin recording a few jingles for the show. I had a few ideas that we could use as idents that we could inject into the show. From my own personal experience doing radio presenting I feel they are very effective, they are often quite cheesy but fun and indicate to the audience the radio station that they are listerning too.

We decided as a group not to record and produce anymore then 3 idents. As we most likely wont be using them all in the show, its all depends on how the structure of the show comes together.

– 1. Shh unsigned coventry

– 2. Show tune *Someone singing it in an opera/ show tune style.

-3.Guitar sound, strum of a guitar and a voice over tracking the sound.

Wednesday 23th November 2011

Today, Myself, Sophie and Scott booked out a radio studio to rehearsal parts of our show. If im completely honests, It was difficult as neither of the presenters e.g me and Sophie had a script. I know from previous experience working on the radio that you cant improvise radio. Well I dont personally think you can. Therefore this session was more of a practice session of getting the feel of the radio studio and prestenting. 

We have re-scheduled the radio studio for monday and I am working on a script so that we can get everything recorded on monday and then make magic happend in the edit.

I am not feeling extremely confident about our radio show at the moment. I think it has potential to be a great format as it can be adapted easily to each city. E.g Birmingham, Leicester, Bristol. However we have a lot of work to do before hand in.

Seb and Scott have been working on interviewing our artist “Lloyd McGrath”. He is the main feature in our show, as Seb has worked on him before It made sense for him to lead the interview.


Once the script was finshed and me and sophie had time in the studio, we began to put together our show.

Script :


Welcome :

“Hey you’re listening to Unsigned Coventry with me ‘Sophie’….And me ‘Ally’
Today on the show we have the wonderful Lloyd McGrath, an unsigned artist right here in Coventry; he will also be singing an acoustic version of one his songs live in the studio for you all to hear.
We also hit Student Street hearing from some of you and your thoughts of the music scene in Coventry and where’s you all go to see live bands.

“Unsigned Coventry” JINGLE.

“Now’s this is the part of the show where we head over to student street, We love to hear what you think, so keep an eye out for us around your city and catch us. Get your voice discovered”


Hear on “unsignedCoventry” we love to hear the local music scene here in our very own city. Coming up its time to hear from our one and very own Lloyd McGrath. A unsigned music act yet to be discovered in our very own studio.


So that was the amazing Lloyd McGrath, Here we have a special recording just for you. Here is take away my blue sung exclusively in our very own studio’s so enjoy.

“Unsigned Coventry” JINGLE.

“Coventry has such an amazing music scene, with so many places to explore new music and discover new bands. Here is just a few places that were voted for by you.


 ( I produced a rough plan of how I imagined the show). As you can see it is a mixture of voxpops, interviews, music jingles and presenting. I feel our show is presented in a very radio style, it has key elements that I made sure were in the show, to identify it as a radio format. For example the jingles, for me were a very strong element I wanted to, from listerning to radio stations such as Merica, Heart, Capital they all have constant jingles identifying the radio station. Although we didnt have as many as I wanted and they didnt turn out as I anticpated however their is a clear attempt in our show.


Overall comparing our show with existing radio shows such as BBC Introducing. Ive chosen to do this radio station again, because It is the only existing one I know that is in comparison with our radio format e.g Music talk show.

I think our show has some really important elements and some parts of the show are much stronger then others.

What works well  :

– The radio advert, we felt was a good element. Although BBC Introducing does not include adverts however most radio shows include adverts. I think what made our advert more relevant was that it was introducing a music competition, in which is designed for unsigned artists.

– The jingles we attempted to make, I think it works well but also not so well in others. I tried to atleast give it a go, as it was myself who recorded the guitar tracks and edited them into the show. I personally feel the show was a lot better for having them instead of without.

–  The presentation worked well with myself and sophie, I think we sounded very radio like. I have to argue that we dont sound as proffesional as we maybe could of, and as radio presenters I did listern to on merica, capital, bbc coventry and warwickshire. However we gave it a good go and having experience in radio before I tried to incorporate that into my presentating style.

– The interview with our unsigned music act, I think was very proffesional. Seb has a great interviewing style and I think that it comes across in the piece.

From looking at existing interviews done on the radio previously, I think it helped me to get a feel for radio presenting. It is a difficult job and many people underestimate radio as their are no visuals to help the audience its all about the sound. Its a challenging job but id like to think we gave it a good go in our radio piece.

So here it is.


I feel I did most of the main edit for this piece, Sophie worked on the voxpops and Scott helped to oversee the work. He checked at the end, to adjust sound levels and to go over anything I had missed or anything that needed work on. Seb was not present during editor even though we had orginally placed him as editor. He hadnt had any editing experience in the past therefore I decided to take over as main editor on this piece.

I had made sure to listern to more radio stations while working through this module. I feel it is evident in the show we have produced. This has opened my eyes more to how radio is produced and presented, I now listern to the radio a lot more then I used too. One thing I have definetly taken from learning radio over the past module, is that I want to develop my radio skills. I love radio! I hope to do some more work through RadioPlus and keep my eyes open for oppurtunites to build myself up on the broadcast ladder.

Watch this space….

The Rules and Regulations of Radio.

OFCOM is the communications regulator, They deal in TV and Radio sectors as well as other areas.

“We make sure that people in the UK get the best from their communications services and are protected from scams and sharp practices, while ensuring that competition can thrive.” Quoted from the OFCOM Website.

OFCOM deal in a number of areas and this is what they specialise in.

What they do :

Our main legal duties are to ensure:

  • the UK has a wide range of electronic communications services, including high-speed services such as broadband;
  • a wide range of high-quality television and radio programmes are provided, appealing to a range of tastes and interests;
  • television and radio services are provided by a range of different organisations;
  • people who watch television and listen to the radio are protected from harmful or offensive material;
  • people are protected from being treated unfairly in television and radio programmes, and from having their privacy invaded; and
  • the radio spectrum (the airwaves used by everyone from taxi firms and boat owners, to mobile-phone companies and broadcasters) is used in the most effective way.

What they don’t do:

We are not responsible for regulating:

  • disputes between you and your telecoms provider;
  • premium-rate services, including mobile-phone text services and ringtones;
  • the content of television and radio adverts;
  • complaints about accuracy in BBC programmes;
  • the BBC TV licence fee; or
  • newspapers and magazines.

All of this information was taken from :

Before myself and my team presents our show, I think its important to have an understanding of the broadcast regulations. This is why I began my research at OFCOM. As I knew that OFCOM regulated radio and television and they do a very good job at detailing licences and the rules and regulations we must abide by.

Radio stations that are exisiting in today’s broadcast market are stations such as a Merica, Touch, BBC Coventry and Warwickshire. These radio stations are classified as “Local Commerical Radio Stations”

Legislation requires Ofcom to secure that local commercial radio stations provide an appropriate amount of:

  • programmes including local material; and
  • locally made programmes

and to provide guidelines as to how the above requirements should be met.

These are the required guidelines. They set out Ofcom’s general policy in relation to these localness requirements and how we are likely in most cases to apply them to local stations.

Ofcom considers each station on a case by case basis and how, if at all, these guidelines should apply to those stations.  The extent to which local material and locally made programmes must be included in the service provided by a licensee is specified in the station’s Format (and may vary by station).

How a station produces its locally-made programmes is a matter for each station. For example, there are no restrictions on the amount of automation (e.g. using voice tracking) that a station may use. However, licensees are expected to take into account listeners’ expectations and be able to react to events on a timely basis when it comes to automated and live programming.

Localness is not an issue for all stations, but where it is required by a station’s licensed Format, it should be informed by these guidelines.

These guidelines are not rules, but they outline the sort of considerations that may come into play if it becomes necessary to investigate a station’s localness output. Many of these considerations are based on listener expectations.

Formats Today.

As our format idea is based on having a university styled quiz show, the show is filmed at different universities all across the country each week. For example the week we are filming will be at “Coventry University”.  It sounds like a boring typical student production right? But thats where your wrong. Our format is for students yes but I feel its a good market, because you have already programmes such as egg heads and university challenge but we dont feel they appeal to a fun audience whereas ours does.

One of intial ideas was an quiz show about beating the best. ” Test The Best”. In which a panel of consistents take their chances against the best people.

Heres an example of eggheads.

In which the opening credits displays the team to beat, A simply format we wanted to adapt into our quiz show idea. The concept of a quiz show format is obviously to beat against two teams to in order to be the best. What I have noticed in quiz show’s in particular is that their is always “THE TEAM” to beat. Its evident in  Eggheads and also The Chase. What makes these quiz show’s stand out I think is that you are trying to be the best.. not just competiting against another team but people who are in a higher league, posing a challenge to the constestants. This is what I think audience’s want to see, they want to see people fighting to win, its not suppose to be an easy game.

From watching Eggheads, you can see a definet diversity of ages for example in this episode that I watched its very much the older generation vs the younger generation. Also there appears to be a level of such seriousness about the quiz game, this is something we felt very passionate about avoiding. We want our quiz show to be fun and humouress, the Eggheads has humour but I feel its quite dry and is possibly aimed at an older audience which may explain why it has that level of intensity.

My question is as Im watching these formats… What is the difference between a quiz show and a debate show? Eggheads, The Chase, Never mind the buzzcocks are all quiz shows but then if you throw, Have I news for you, Question of sport, 8 out of 10 cats. They may look like a quiz show but they can also be in a game show style.

I am going to break down a quiz show and a game show to analysis the style and structure of each and how they are similar but different.

Here you have The Chase. A classic example of a quiz show in my opinion, just like I was talking about earlier in this game a team normally made up of four contestants have to fight against the “big boss” aka the chaser. This is what I would class as a quiz format.

– It invovles answering a set number of questions going against the clock to get win money.

– It can either have set rounds which theme’s the questions or a general knowledge.

– Panel of contestants to make a team but can be indiviual game.

The ingredients that make a quiz show into that format is the way the show is set out. For example a quiz show is basically answering questions thats it in its simpliest form. A game show is much more interactive and physical, that is one of the main differences however I will be going into that in more detail as I go on.

Celebrity Juice is a comedy game show, both have the same layout. Most quiz shows/game shows are a studio based programme so they have a similiar set layout. This is why I feel confused as an audience member because they have such similiar styles of formatting the show.

From continuing to watch format quiz shows, I am hoping to get inspiration and a new vision if you like for our show. We are well underway with our show, I personally still feel it needs work as we have a good format but I dont feel it is our own show, I feel that it is just a classic quiz show. There is nothing wrong with that however I feel we dont as yet have our own personally stamp on it, there is not much new identity to it.  I am going to address my concerns to my group members tomorrow and see what everyone’s views are. I just feel that we could be challening ourselves a lot more and we could really make an amazing show from this.

I dont feel we are achiving the best, that I know we can be.

Being the floor manager….

I thought it was about time that I wrote a post about being floor manager. I orginally wanted this postion last year during our broadcast module but unfortunely lost out on a vote. However this year during the pitches I provide that I could deliver as I was chosen :).

So far I think Ive been doing a pretty good job, I always get the equipment out and set up fine. (Although it is my job :)).

I think I work well with our presenter, Janet. Although there is still work need doing with my signalling and trying to relay information from the director to the presenter while in the middle of the live show. So there are definetly areas I need to improve on that I personally feel I need to hit in order to be the best organised floor manager my team has :).

Studio Session’s

Most people are contributing to the production of the show and helping the group to progress. It is clear to say we have a few stronger members of our group but I think as a group we are getting on well. I dont have any problems as such at the moment. My own concern is getting the script finalised and the set down, but as I say these words we already have a lot of this in motion, so fingers crossed we will continue to make progress.


Will be continued….. 🙂

All In A Day…

Here is the Trailer for Life In A Day Project, Youtube joined up with Producer Ridley Scott and Director Kevin Macdonald  to produce this.  The idea was for everyone to take footage of something on the 24th of July, to capture Life in just One day.  We managed to watch the whole documentary during lecture time, my thoughts of the documentary :

–  I think it shows the power that technology has impacted on our lives, The fact that anyone from all over the world filmed their life on one particular day and uploaded it to youtube to be part of this project is an amazing concept.

– It showed different emotions, from love to fear, hate to joy, and it just celebrates the beauty of life. It is captured in an incredible way because its such a simple concept. Everyone filming part of their day, they may not feel special or feel they lead a very interesting life but it doesnt matter. This documentary shows the beauty of being human and just life itself.

– The structure of it, itself I think works very well because it presents it as a day. so It starts at say midnight and follows the day through using the footage to follow the narrative. I dont even think personally it needs a very strong narrative because the narrative is simply it allows the image of people’s lives to speak out. It lets the visuals help to capture the emotion of each person’s story.

– Also by having people from different countries all across the world, it really gives an insight to how different people live. We are made the same and live in similair ways but this project portrays how we can all share the same moments in our lives no matter where we are in the world.

I think that Life in day is a beautiful project and brings us closer as human beings.

Here is the full documentary, to watch 🙂

With this in mind, Having just watched the Life in a day. We were set the task of

BRITAIN IN A DAY… the bbc have teamed up with youtube to make a 24 documentation of life in within british walls.

Britain in a Day is a unique portrait of twenty-four hours in the life of the UK, filmed by you. On Saturday 12 November 2011 pick up a camera and record your thoughts, hopes and aspirations, then upload your film to the Britain in a Day channel on YouTube. You’ll be helping to create an amazing archive and your film could be included in an historic BBC documentary in 2012.


Here is the trailer for Britain in day….

So now all that is left, is to get thinking about what my team will film on Saturday 12th November. So get ready to grab that camera and lets go and film BRITAIN!  😀

Team One Developments into the UNI SHOW.

Everything up to now has been going very well within team one’s television show. Instead of doing loads of different blog posts I shall post all of the developments so far.

So back at the beginning…

We started to look at what the essential ingredients to a format was.

– Contestants

– Host

– Prize (Money) + Humour + Trophy

– Studio Audience

– Game/ Content – Subject Matters

– Dramatic Set/Music/Lights/Props.

It was very important to make sure that we were creating a format, something that could be repeated in countries all across the world with just small changes apply, etc the host. Deal or No Deal is a great example of a successful format because it has been repeated and incorporated into countries everywhere. There is a India Deal or No Deal, America Deal or No Deal… You get the idea. Therefore because this is a good format it can be used as a recipe that is easily adaptable and repeatable.


America’s Version of Deal or No Deal.

22 boxes – One Question


India’s Version of Deal Or No Deal.

After group meetings and researching into format styles, we came up with several Ideas for our show. Our Ideas came from four groups within the team, we all pitched the show ideas and we narrowed it down from them.

– Peformance show- Play with danger.

– Scientific experiments, playing with danger.

– Quiz Show – Fact or Fiction. You Decide?

– Made up of questions asked by the audience, Youtube clips. Allows the audience to host the show always. Brings in more of a interaction element to a format.

– 6 Questions, 7th Question if not answered = Money rolls over to next show.

– Game Show-Friends Fight for Film Fortune.

-Based on film recently released, good use of promotion to highlight new releases.

– Prizes consists of meeting film stars or tickets = All relevant to the film, makes the struture of the show.

– Chat Show – Olympic themed show.

– One on one talk with upcoming athletics, Olympic team.

– Great way to make it contempoary and help encouraged people about the upcoming olympics.

– Charity events? Games?

This is how our initial ideas began, from this we decided to narrow it down. We all decided to go for a quiz show from here we became working on making it fit to the format recipe.

Thursday, We had a great seminar session, Where we expanded our idea of a quiz show and began trying to create the package. The name? The concept of the quiz game etc.

Up to now….A Catch up.

Tuesday- Thursday 10th November.

Our concept is a university styles quiz show its called the UNI Show, also prenounced as the U’N’I show. (you and I). The basics of our idea came from trying to invent a quiz show that was a cross between eggheads and university challenge. We found that university challenge is pretty boring from our target audience perspective, so we came up with a new fun idea which consists of the audience asking the questions. Therefore it is not represented as a typical quiz show where their is a host and two teams and the host asks the teams the questions, Oh no the audience now have the ability to technically host the show from their very own living rooms.

Here are some logo’s that have been made up by group member Gov Singh :). We are still in the process of working out graphics and the final logo’s for the show. I have been in touch with a few graphic designers that I know from the University to ask for their assistance and co-operation on this task. I am meeting up with them hopefully this week and we should have graphics on the way.

Here are some photographs taken from our last studio session – Thursday 10th Nov. We are currently working on our set design, If you cant already work that out from these photos. Its a working progress however we really hope to have the set designed by wednesday/thursday this week, so we can focus solid on lighting and rehearsals.

So far as a team we are working well, I feel everyone is working confidently and comfortable in their role postions. I still feel myself and Janet need to work on communcaiting to each other during the show, That is my only concern atm as floor manager. I am happy with my camera men, although camera three has been without its cameraman for the last few studio sessions which is worrying. So my producers and director are looking into having someone who can fill in for the postion just incase we dont have out cameraman again for the actually recording session. I think our director is doing a good job at communicating with me and relaying what he wants to happen so I can make it happen on the studio floor. Working in this television studio, helps to visualise how it is done in broadcast land today. Although it would be on a much higher and grander scale, for example their would be more going out such as bigger show content, more cameras, bigger set and bigger studio. I think from having floor manager experience and the experience of working in a studio environment that it has opened my eyes to possibly having a career in broadcast, specificly in television work.


Final set designs.

Existing set designs for game shows


Even the buzz game show has the classic quiz show look.

This is what we attempted to do with our set for our tv show “UNI SHOW”.

As you can see the developements of our set, I think we did a very good job. Comparing against existing sets is it very amatuerish but I think by looking at the set you can see it takes the format of a quiz show very well.

What makes a format show successful. Set design, lighting, host, constestants, game, these all make or break a format. We considerated all this when we made our show.


Media Production students let loose in the BBC Coventry and Warwickshire.

We got the oppurtunity to go inside the BBC Coventry and Warwickshire Studio, We saw the radio studio’s and a few presenters aka Bob Brolly. (Photos will follow shortly).

Studying Broadcast both Television and Radio within the walls of Coventry University can make you loose a sense of realism. Its difficult to see yourself in the real world and working as proffessionals, which we all need to be turning into. However going to the BBC helped to begin picturing myself working in the real media, therefore trips like this are definetly beneficial. I personally learn a lot from being in environments of proffesional experience, It opens your eyes to the environment many of us are hoping to go into as possiblle career paths.

A few of us inside the radio studio.

Me with Bob Brolly!

Inside the BBC OFFICE.

Team One in the Studio 🙂

Spending time at the BBC Coventry and Warickshire, It helped to see proffessionals at work and to be able to experience how the media is produced. I would like to see more into behind the scenes, to experience the every day occurences of life working at the BBC. I think that being able to see more of a proffesional level of work being done, helps to began to look at ourselves and our future in the media. Seeing the producer, editors, radio presenters at work helps to locate roles within a broadcast production, In comparison to each of our indiviual roles within our television production, It begins to help create a more realistic view of working in the media.