Team One Developments into the UNI SHOW.

Everything up to now has been going very well within team one’s television show. Instead of doing loads of different blog posts I shall post all of the developments so far.

So back at the beginning…

We started to look at what the essential ingredients to a format was.

– Contestants

– Host

– Prize (Money) + Humour + Trophy

– Studio Audience

– Game/ Content – Subject Matters

– Dramatic Set/Music/Lights/Props.

It was very important to make sure that we were creating a format, something that could be repeated in countries all across the world with just small changes apply, etc the host. Deal or No Deal is a great example of a successful format because it has been repeated and incorporated into countries everywhere. There is a India Deal or No Deal, America Deal or No Deal… You get the idea. Therefore because this is a good format it can be used as a recipe that is easily adaptable and repeatable.


America’s Version of Deal or No Deal.

22 boxes – One Question


India’s Version of Deal Or No Deal.

After group meetings and researching into format styles, we came up with several Ideas for our show. Our Ideas came from four groups within the team, we all pitched the show ideas and we narrowed it down from them.

– Peformance show- Play with danger.

– Scientific experiments, playing with danger.

– Quiz Show – Fact or Fiction. You Decide?

– Made up of questions asked by the audience, Youtube clips. Allows the audience to host the show always. Brings in more of a interaction element to a format.

– 6 Questions, 7th Question if not answered = Money rolls over to next show.

– Game Show-Friends Fight for Film Fortune.

-Based on film recently released, good use of promotion to highlight new releases.

– Prizes consists of meeting film stars or tickets = All relevant to the film, makes the struture of the show.

– Chat Show – Olympic themed show.

– One on one talk with upcoming athletics, Olympic team.

– Great way to make it contempoary and help encouraged people about the upcoming olympics.

– Charity events? Games?

This is how our initial ideas began, from this we decided to narrow it down. We all decided to go for a quiz show from here we became working on making it fit to the format recipe.

Thursday, We had a great seminar session, Where we expanded our idea of a quiz show and began trying to create the package. The name? The concept of the quiz game etc.

Up to now….A Catch up.

Tuesday- Thursday 10th November.

Our concept is a university styles quiz show its called the UNI Show, also prenounced as the U’N’I show. (you and I). The basics of our idea came from trying to invent a quiz show that was a cross between eggheads and university challenge. We found that university challenge is pretty boring from our target audience perspective, so we came up with a new fun idea which consists of the audience asking the questions. Therefore it is not represented as a typical quiz show where their is a host and two teams and the host asks the teams the questions, Oh no the audience now have the ability to technically host the show from their very own living rooms.

Here are some logo’s that have been made up by group member Gov Singh :). We are still in the process of working out graphics and the final logo’s for the show. I have been in touch with a few graphic designers that I know from the University to ask for their assistance and co-operation on this task. I am meeting up with them hopefully this week and we should have graphics on the way.

Here are some photographs taken from our last studio session – Thursday 10th Nov. We are currently working on our set design, If you cant already work that out from these photos. Its a working progress however we really hope to have the set designed by wednesday/thursday this week, so we can focus solid on lighting and rehearsals.

So far as a team we are working well, I feel everyone is working confidently and comfortable in their role postions. I still feel myself and Janet need to work on communcaiting to each other during the show, That is my only concern atm as floor manager. I am happy with my camera men, although camera three has been without its cameraman for the last few studio sessions which is worrying. So my producers and director are looking into having someone who can fill in for the postion just incase we dont have out cameraman again for the actually recording session. I think our director is doing a good job at communicating with me and relaying what he wants to happen so I can make it happen on the studio floor. Working in this television studio, helps to visualise how it is done in broadcast land today. Although it would be on a much higher and grander scale, for example their would be more going out such as bigger show content, more cameras, bigger set and bigger studio. I think from having floor manager experience and the experience of working in a studio environment that it has opened my eyes to possibly having a career in broadcast, specificly in television work.


Final set designs.

Existing set designs for game shows


Even the buzz game show has the classic quiz show look.

This is what we attempted to do with our set for our tv show “UNI SHOW”.

As you can see the developements of our set, I think we did a very good job. Comparing against existing sets is it very amatuerish but I think by looking at the set you can see it takes the format of a quiz show very well.

What makes a format show successful. Set design, lighting, host, constestants, game, these all make or break a format. We considerated all this when we made our show.


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