Media Production students let loose in the BBC Coventry and Warwickshire.

We got the oppurtunity to go inside the BBC Coventry and Warwickshire Studio, We saw the radio studio’s and a few presenters aka Bob Brolly. (Photos will follow shortly).

Studying Broadcast both Television and Radio within the walls of Coventry University can make you loose a sense of realism. Its difficult to see yourself in the real world and working as proffessionals, which we all need to be turning into. However going to the BBC helped to begin picturing myself working in the real media, therefore trips like this are definetly beneficial. I personally learn a lot from being in environments of proffesional experience, It opens your eyes to the environment many of us are hoping to go into as possiblle career paths.

A few of us inside the radio studio.

Me with Bob Brolly!

Inside the BBC OFFICE.

Team One in the Studio 🙂

Spending time at the BBC Coventry and Warickshire, It helped to see proffessionals at work and to be able to experience how the media is produced. I would like to see more into behind the scenes, to experience the every day occurences of life working at the BBC. I think that being able to see more of a proffesional level of work being done, helps to began to look at ourselves and our future in the media. Seeing the producer, editors, radio presenters at work helps to locate roles within a broadcast production, In comparison to each of our indiviual roles within our television production, It begins to help create a more realistic view of working in the media.

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