All In A Day…

Here is the Trailer for Life In A Day Project, Youtube joined up with Producer Ridley Scott and Director Kevin Macdonald  to produce this.  The idea was for everyone to take footage of something on the 24th of July, to capture Life in just One day.  We managed to watch the whole documentary during lecture time, my thoughts of the documentary :

–  I think it shows the power that technology has impacted on our lives, The fact that anyone from all over the world filmed their life on one particular day and uploaded it to youtube to be part of this project is an amazing concept.

– It showed different emotions, from love to fear, hate to joy, and it just celebrates the beauty of life. It is captured in an incredible way because its such a simple concept. Everyone filming part of their day, they may not feel special or feel they lead a very interesting life but it doesnt matter. This documentary shows the beauty of being human and just life itself.

– The structure of it, itself I think works very well because it presents it as a day. so It starts at say midnight and follows the day through using the footage to follow the narrative. I dont even think personally it needs a very strong narrative because the narrative is simply it allows the image of people’s lives to speak out. It lets the visuals help to capture the emotion of each person’s story.

– Also by having people from different countries all across the world, it really gives an insight to how different people live. We are made the same and live in similair ways but this project portrays how we can all share the same moments in our lives no matter where we are in the world.

I think that Life in day is a beautiful project and brings us closer as human beings.

Here is the full documentary, to watch 🙂

With this in mind, Having just watched the Life in a day. We were set the task of

BRITAIN IN A DAY… the bbc have teamed up with youtube to make a 24 documentation of life in within british walls.

Britain in a Day is a unique portrait of twenty-four hours in the life of the UK, filmed by you. On Saturday 12 November 2011 pick up a camera and record your thoughts, hopes and aspirations, then upload your film to the Britain in a Day channel on YouTube. You’ll be helping to create an amazing archive and your film could be included in an historic BBC documentary in 2012.


Here is the trailer for Britain in day….

So now all that is left, is to get thinking about what my team will film on Saturday 12th November. So get ready to grab that camera and lets go and film BRITAIN!  😀

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